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Studying Translational Neuroscience

The two-year Master-of-Science study programme is research-oriented. Teaching and examinations are in English. The programme is organized in modules. Modules (courses) include advanced lectures, exercises, seminars and practical training.

The curriculum consists of six Master modules and two research-oriented internships. Besides hands-on skills in special techniques, basics for independent scientific work will be conveyed. Graduates of this Master programme are ideally qualified for their later working life and qualified to embark on a doctorate. One broad career field is research & diagnostics of neurodegenerative diseases in the clinical setting, at universities and pharmaceutical industries. Further areas of employment are work at scientific publishers or in scientific coordination. A doctorate improves the prospects for responsible work and is q prerequisite for an academic career. The workload ist equivalent to 120 ECTS.

The module handbook is addressed to the students of the M.Sc. study programme Translational Neuroscience and explains the structured elements of the curriculum (and modules) in its contents, intended learning outcomes and competences that will be acquired. Furthermore it explains the formal aspects, e.g. the extent of the modules, the type of examinations and the requirements for the award of credit points.

Below you will find some short information about the curriculum and its modules - sorted by semester and module. For detailed information please download the module handbook or follow up the module teasers and brief descriptions below.