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About Translational Neuroscience

Welcome to our Master-of-Science programme Translational Neuroscience

Neuroscience is a rapidly growing field of science with great relevance to society. Basic research has provided valuable insights into the development, aging, function, and dysfunction of the brain and has shown multiple ways to modulate brain processes. Translational Neuroscience uses this knowledge and technological advances to help developing new diagnostic procedures and therapies for patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders. Translational Neuroscience is an international master study programme, consecutive to various bachelor programmes, and fully taught in English. Translatiopnal Neuroscience addresses students who are interested in basic neuroscientific and clinical research.

The primary goal of the two-year Master-of-Science programme in Translational Neuroscience at Heinrich-Heine-University (HHU) Düsseldorf is to qualify a new generation of biomedical investigators with an excellent training in an interdisciplinary research environment aiming at improving diagnosis and therapies of patients with neurological and psychiatric diseases. Our programme provides students a profound knowledge and understanding of normal brain structure and function as well as relevant mechanisms of brain diseases. Our teaching programme is inherently interdisciplinary. The faculty members are experienced academic teachers and scientists who are specialized in basic brain research as well as translational and clinical neuroscience.

Students from diverse undergraduate backgrounds are being trained in a comprehensive and integrated curriculum. This includes for example teaching modules in cellular, molecular and systems neurobiology, neuroimmunology, behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, as well as modern neuroimaging. In addition, special courses in neuroethics and hands-on training in a broad spectrum of modern neuroscience methods are being offered.

Internationally renown scientists with expertise in brain anatomy and neurophysiology, neuropathology, pre-clinical studies including different animal models, neuropharmacology and -immunology, computational modeling, brain development, aging research and clinical neurosciences support the programme, and will provide fascinating insights into the ever growing field of translational neuroscience. In addition to the excellent laboratory facilities on the HHU campus, the programme offers access to world-class neuroimaging and laboratory facilities for brain research at the Forschungszentrum Jülich. The master's program cooperates with the Max Planck School of Cognition and the Tohoku University in Japan.

The programme is  committed to the training of future neuroscientists for research careers at universities, non-university research centers as well as in the neuroscientific and/or pharmaceutical industry.  The best graduates have the opportunity to do a doctorate and continue with a PhD programme here at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf - for example in the iBrain Interdisciplinary Graduate School for Brain Research and Translational Neuroscience or the Medical Research School Düsseldorf of the Medical Faculty.

No tuition fees are charged at HHU. However, there is a social contribution. The social contribution is approx 300 € and varies slightly depending on the semester.
The semester fee includes: Costs for the semester ticket, the Studierendenwerk contribution, the AstA contribution, university sports contribution, student council contribution, Hochschulradio Düsseldorf contribution and refunds of the semester ticket contribution for students in social need.

Translational Neuroscience was accredited by Aqas e.V. in February 2016 and re-accredited in November 2022.

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